Stop 6: We Shall Be Free Tour at the Iowa State Capital Today To Serve Criminal Affidavit to Attorney General Brenna Bird

May 6, 2024


We Shall Be Free Tour at the Iowa State CapitaToday
Serve Criminal Affidavit to Attorney General Brenna Bird

Navy Special Ops Veteran, Civil Rights Advocate/Litigator Challenges Government’s 

Flagrant Violation of Constitutional Principles in a Forty-Day Nationwide Tour

Thousands of Prisoners and Criminal Defendants Across the State of Iowa

Will Be Directly Affected By This Criminal Complaint

DesMoines, Iowa —Tanawah Downing is crossing the country putting State Attorney Generals on notice and explaining the purpose of his 40-Day journey. The Special Ops Navy Vet is available for interviews about the  affidavit that alleges the Deprivation of Rights under Color of Law, and Conspiracy to Deprive of Rights by numerous judicial and executive branch officials. It seeks the indictment of these individuals which could affect thousands of prisoners and criminal defendants across the entire State who were unlawfully charged without regard for the expressly written provisions of the Constitution.

“Here in America, it is We the People who control our destiny, not the government,” says civil rights activist and litigator Tanawah Downing of Washington DC. “America has made many mistakes, but I am proud to know that we have resolved to learn from each of them, in order to be better and stronger as a result.”

According to the affidavit, individuals are being held illegally and unlawfully by the state on blatant constitutional violations. It contends that the state of Minnesota has chosen to secure these convictions in violation of the procedures and processes, codified and enumerated within the Constitution of the United States of America.

Tanawah Downing is making people aware of the UNnalienable rights with which we have all been born,” says Joyce Lacey, 2022 Minnesota Gubernatorial Candidate. “This means we cannot be separated from our rights. He is helping us to defend the freedoms our forefathers fought for by claiming those rights rather than giving them to government.”     

“My intent is to instruct our government to remember the obligations that they assume, because of the People whom they serve.” says Downing. 

The 40-Day We Shall be Free tour will culminate in a pivotal hearing before the Supreme Court which Downing believes will be heard this June. Downing plans to present compelling evidence that he also believes will be a game-changer in the fight for justice.

More Here:

Tanawah Downing 
Chief Legal Strategist
(202) 604-4473

Chistopher Stevens
Tour Co-Ordinator

Joyce Lacey is a Best Selling Author and weekly host on the Now Network and the Daily Gospel Network and founder of the June Lynne Lacey Foundation to protect the rights of vulnerable adults.

ABOUT The Mission: Tanawah Downing has embarked on a courageous and inspired 40-Day one-man-national tour to put Attorney Generals across the country on notice for unconstitutional acts. The affidavits he is serving expose the corruption of our archaic judicial system which is built upon the slavery institution and the need for vengeance rather than how it was designed to serve the people. Every American needs to support this one man and his effort because his actions will impact each and every one of us in the future. This tour and the awareness it brings with it is a critical step in restoring our republic by requiring an exact adherence by government to the procedures set forth by the Constitution, and to the limitations on their power. “Ensuring exact adherence is not only our lawful right, it is our duty,” says Downing.

ABOUT The Man: Tanawah graduated from George Washington University with a Masters Degree in Forensics and a Masters in Substantive Criminal Law.  Downing also holds a Masters in Information Security from the University of Fairfax. He is the OPPOSITE of an attorney, who holds a Juris Doctorate. He follows Substantive Law, the true law of the land, rather than procedural law which deviates from it. Downing has also earned a Masters Degree in Law Enforcement. Juris Doctorates have a degree in the Court system (Administrative Law), whereas Downing has a degree in the Constitution (Executive Law). He has the degree that all prosecutors SHOULD have, because a prosecutor is considered to be the highest law enforcement officer. Downing believes we need to look at the law through a fundamental lens and with a keener perspective as to how it is supposed to work to fully grasp the magnitude of what is happening in our country right now. 

Joan Quinn Eastman


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